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Views from Georgian Bay

A visit from the grandkids rekindled an old tradition for Kent

A visit from the grandkids rekindled an old tradition for Kent

Columnist Kent Walton is jolly again thanks to some Christmas construction with the grandkids
Kent says remembering the past is important for the future

Kent says remembering the past is important for the future

Kent Walton recalls lining up at the CNE fairgrounds to wait for his uncle to return from fighting overseas during the Second World War
Kent laments the good old days of luxury air travel

Kent laments the good old days of luxury air travel

Columnist Kent Walton asks: What's the deal with airplane food?
Vacation for Kent is a riverboat fantasy cruise

Vacation for Kent is a riverboat fantasy cruise

Local columnist Kent Walton enjoyed his vacation in Europe, but he had to work hard to see the sights and taste the food
Food makes fall one of Kent's favourite seasons

Food makes fall one of Kent's favourite seasons

Kent Walton gushes over his favourite thing about fall – all the food!
Kent carb-loads and loads his card on Aruba vacation

Kent carb-loads and loads his card on Aruba vacation

Columnist Kent Walton has developed a taste for bread on his Aruba vacations
Columnist Kent details some holiday homecoming hilarity

Columnist Kent details some holiday homecoming hilarity

Jingle Bells, flight delays, suitcase lost a wheel. The tire's flat, the deck is grey, and the mower engine squealed
People-watching pastime peaks at Collingwood Elvis Festival

People-watching pastime peaks at Collingwood Elvis Festival

Kent Walton was a little jealous of the raven-haired Presley who stole all the girls
You've heard of the freshmen 15, how about the fresh-baked 20?

You've heard of the freshmen 15, how about the fresh-baked 20?

Columnist Kent Walton laments (and devours) the lavish, high-fat temptations of summer
Never too old for the Batmobile

Never too old for the Batmobile

Columnist Kent Walton reflects on getting older after his son's 50th birthday.