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The Blue Mountains and Grey Highlands

Thornbury’s Corner Cafe appeals to council for patio expansion plans

Thornbury’s Corner Cafe appeals to council for patio expansion plans

With the assistance of town staff, the Corner Cafe and Grill in Thornbury will be expanding its patio onto the Hester Street Parkette
Grey County looks to support its struggling entrepreneurs

Grey County looks to support its struggling entrepreneurs

Grey County's economic development, tourism and culture department is shifting its efforts from attracting visitors to helping local businesses return to profit
Blue Mountains attainable housing project not a done deal, says council

Blue Mountains attainable housing project not a done deal, says council

TBM council reassures residents that further community consultation on the attainable housing project will be taking place in the coming months
Grey County predicts $1.1M deficit due to COVID

Grey County predicts $1.1M deficit due to COVID

Grey County’s long-term care department budget has been the hardest hit with a projected deficit of $1.37 million
Money available for young businesses facing reopening costs

Money available for young businesses facing reopening costs

The Grey County Business Enterprise Centre launched a new program offering recovery funding for businesses one to five years old
TBM moves ahead with paid parking at four beaches including Northwinds

TBM moves ahead with paid parking at four beaches including Northwinds

A $200 seasonal pass will be available to residents of neighbouring municipalities, which includes: Clearview, Grey Highlands, Meaford and the town of Collingwood
Broadband project seeking $4M in funding from Grey County for future phases

Broadband project seeking $4M in funding from Grey County for future phases

SWIFT has asked Grey County to back to request to the federal and provincial governments of $500M for SWIFT 2.0
The Blue Mountains switches Lobsterfest to takeout model

The Blue Mountains switches Lobsterfest to takeout model

The annual fundraiser will support the Marsh Street Centre, which is in danger of closing without financial support
Repairs on the way for Thornbury's Little River Beach

Repairs on the way for Thornbury's Little River Beach

High-water levels continue to wreak havoc on the Town of the Blue Mountains shoreline properties
TBM mayor critical of rural broadband plan subsidized with public funds

TBM mayor critical of rural broadband plan subsidized with public funds

As the rural broadband project, SWIFT moves forward, TBM mayor is asking for more transparency and financial accountability