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This week in CollingwoodToday+: The best of 2020 and more to come in 2021

We kick off the new year with a more giveaways, more deals and new +member writing contest
2016-02-05 Bon Soo Opening DMH-18
Donna Hopper photo

Congratulations Cecile S. who brought in the new year winning our biggest prize to date - $2021 in cash!  "It was a wonderful surprise receiving the email indicating that I had won the $2021 - a great start to the New Year," she said.  "I plan to help family members with this win!!"

The new year is going to be filled with MORE auctions, MORE deals and even MORE chances to win!

Happening this week for CollingwoodToday+ members:

Here's what's cooking! There is still time to enter for the chance to win a $50 gift card from Cobs Bread Bakery. Contest closes tonight at 11:59.

Beginning Thursday, +members can enter for a chance to win a $50 gift card from The Curly Willow Eatery.

Congratulations to Linda Fitzgerald, winner of our December writing contest. She tells us the beautiful story of her aunt's most memorable Christmas. Be sure to check out this month's contest - All you need is love, just in time for Valentine's Day!

Reporter Jennifer Golletz answers questions about herself, starting a new media job right before a global pandemic, and what it's like to cover an under serviced area in our Meet the Team feature.

Member-only offers from our +partners:

*members may be required to present their virtual ID card and/or a unique promo code at checkout

10% off God's Country Clothing apparel

10% off Brand Dead apparel

And if you missed it, here's what happened last week:

We looked back at some of the top stories from 2020 from across Ontario and abroad. Have you ever seen two bears hugging?

Become a CollingwoodToday+ member today!

