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LETTER: Large bins will lead to big headaches, citizen warns

'I would think we should be encouraging everyone to create less garbage and have an option for smaller containers,' letter writer says
2021-05-13 AutoCollect JO-001
Derek Walton, operations manager with Miller Waste Services, will be overseeing the new County of Simcoe waste collection contract.

CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor. Send your letter to [email protected]. This letter is in reference to story published May 13, titled, 'County provides first peek at new automated waste collection system.'

I am a single 58-year-old woman living alone. Over the last few years I have strived to reduce and reuse in all aspects of my life.

I do not have a garage or easily accessible space to store these huge bins except at the front of my house which I do not want to do.

I currently own a small garbage can which is usually only half fill in two weeks. I have one small recycling bin usually just full after two weeks. I compost all my green waste all year round so do not use a green bin.

I do not want these huge containers. I do not want to have to drag them to the curb or have them mar the front of my house.

I would think we should be encouraging everyone to create less garbage and have an option for smaller containers for those in a similar situation to mine. 

I have friends who have voiced the same worries over the new system.

Please think about this issue. With an aging population I can only imagine the difficulties older residents will have dealing with these large bins.

Merryn Edgar
