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The Blue Mountains and Grey Highlands

Public transit from TBM to Owen Sound begins Sept. 23

Public transit from TBM to Owen Sound begins Sept. 23

Fare will be waived until November and riders are required to book a seat in advance
Advance lift tickets and season passes only at Blue Mountain this year

Advance lift tickets and season passes only at Blue Mountain this year

The resort will be discontinuing 'walk-up window' ticket sales and undated lift tickets
County-wide face covering bylaw under consideration in Grey

County-wide face covering bylaw under consideration in Grey

If Grey County proceeds with the proposed bylaw, an individual could be fined $125 to $500 for not wearing a mask in an enclosed, public space
Grey County begins to shift back to in-person activities

Grey County begins to shift back to in-person activities

Grey County is expected to begin in-person council meetings on Oct. 8 and the administration office will be opened on an appointment-only basis beginning today
Local officials reflect on six months of COVID-19 pandemic

Local officials reflect on six months of COVID-19 pandemic

Moving forward, Grey County council will be holding a strategic planning session early in the fall to collectively set priorities and plot a course forward
Sauerkraut and steins: TBM to host Oktoberfest next weekend

Sauerkraut and steins: TBM to host Oktoberfest next weekend

The Town of The Blue Mountains is pushing forward with a COVID-adapted fundraising event that will assist community organizations
Schools 'well positioned' to welcome students, says top doc

Schools 'well positioned' to welcome students, says top doc

Through provincial funding, Grey Bruce Health Unit will be adding nine new public health nurses to local schools
Learning in COVID era no picnic, but picnic tables help, teachers say

Learning in COVID era no picnic, but picnic tables help, teachers say

'Given the circumstances with the pandemic and social distancing, it's fairly challenging to be an educator at this time,' notes local official
Marsh Street Centre pleas for funding support to avoid closure

Marsh Street Centre pleas for funding support to avoid closure

The centre currently has an operating budget shortfall of $219,000; 'We have only a few months left before we literally run out of money,' says official
Safe Travels Stamp program hopes to rebuild consumer confidence

Safe Travels Stamp program hopes to rebuild consumer confidence

Stamp means business is 'upholding the highest standards of health and safety and demonstrating they are adhering to the global health protocols'