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Stars coming out to celebrate the King of Rock 'n' Roll in Collingwood

Stars coming out to celebrate the King of Rock 'n' Roll in Collingwood

'Fans always want to know if Elvis was a good kisser. The answer is yes! He had soft lips and he smelled like Brut cologne,' says actress Cynthia Pepper, who appeared on screen with Elvis
Mammograms 101: Some helpful hints to make it less embarrassing

Mammograms 101: Some helpful hints to make it less embarrassing

In today's Everything King, Wendy offers some helpful hints on how to survive the 'mammo-slammo'
Elvis is still the king, and the festival should live on

Elvis is still the king, and the festival should live on

In this week's Everything King, Wendy speaks as an Elvis fan to the town of Collingwood
When things go a little squirrelly

When things go a little squirrelly

A home repair job becomes a comedy of errors in this week's Everything King
Youth emerges from shadows to put fresh face on homelessness

Youth emerges from shadows to put fresh face on homelessness

'When I first got to Barrie and people would ask where I live, I would just give a general location. I didn’t want to feel worthless,' teen says ahead of Saturday's Coldest Night of the Year
Looking for love in lots of places

Looking for love in lots of places

Valentine's Day is not just one day and not just for couples, says Wendy in this week's Everything King
There's a message in the mess

There's a message in the mess

Some very last-minute but easy suggestions for a joyful Christmas!
Send friends and family a love letter for Christmas

Send friends and family a love letter for Christmas

In this week's Everything King, this last-minute Christmas gift idea has no price tag, but it's priceless!
Wrapping up wishes for seniors

Wrapping up wishes for seniors

'Everyone just comes together and we get it all done in one night. It is a true outpouring of love'
This is the date everything changed forever

This is the date everything changed forever

As a member of the media, I remember we were pressed into action and it was without precedent