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Labour Day traffic blitz to focus on 'The Big 4': OPP

The blitz begins on Friday and will run through Monday in Grey Bruce

All members of the Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) will be participating in a provincial traffic safety campaign called, "Canada Road Safety Strategy 2025". The annual Labour Day campaign runs from Friday, Sept. 1, 2023, through Monday, Sept. 4, 2023.

The Labour Day weekend sees some of the heaviest traffic volumes in the Grey Bruce area and the goal of this initiative is to deter aggressive, other high-risk behaviours and reduce the potential of any serious collision from occurring.

During this four-day traffic initiative, officers will conduct province-wide targeted enforcement and provide education on "The Big 4" which focuses on unsafe driving behaviours such as speeding, aggressive driving, inattentive/distracted driving, alcohol/drug-impaired drivers as well as lack of or improper use of seatbelts. All these driving behaviours are main causes of death and injury on Canadian roadways.

The OPP remains committed to traffic safety and the safety of all road users. Road safety is a shared responsibility; lets work together and make our roadways safe.
