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Speak for the trees: TBM launches survey on current preservation standards

What do you think of the town's current tree preservation bylaws? Fill out the survey to add your thoughts
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The Town of The Blue Mountains has launched a public survey to gain feedback from residents  regarding updates to the current Municipal Tree Preservation By-Law 2010-68. The purpose of  the survey is to gain feedback regarding the town’s role in tree protection and preservation in  the community. 

The survey can be accessed by visiting the project webpage:

The launch of the public survey follows the joint public open house hosted on March 24, 2021  with the County of Grey, which provided residents the opportunity to share their input on the direction future policy changes or by-law updates should take. Comments and feedback collected will assist in developing any policy changes or a proposed tree by-law.  

The proposed tree by-law will be presented at a future public meeting and will give another opportunity for the public and stakeholders to provide comments. No decision will be made until both the town council and the County of Grey council have considered all comments received. 

“Community engagement is a vital part of the process in the town’s consideration of a  Municipal Tree By-law update,” says Councillor Matrosovs, chair of the agricultural advisory committee and co-chair of the sustainability advisory committee. “The series of engagement  opportunities will focus on the extent of the town’s role in the protection of a wider range of  trees within the municipality and the direction of future policies for the management of trees  as a natural asset in our community.” 
