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Grey Bruce expands same-day virtual doctor's appointment program

Virtual appointments will be available four days a week for 7.5 hours per day through Grey Bruce Health Services

Grey Bruce Health Services has expanded its pilot project offering same-day appointments for people who need to see a doctor, but may not require an emergency room visit. 

The program, which launched March 2, will now offer appointments four days a week (up from three) and for 7.5 hours a day (up from five hours). 

Virtual visits are available for those who need to see a doctor urgently, but cannot get in to see their family physician and who are not experiencing an emergency requiring a visit to the ER. 

Those using the service must have a phone or other device that will accommodate a video call. 

According to a news release from Grey Bruce Health Services, virtual care is often faster than waiting in an ER. 

The pilot project was intended to help ease strain on Grey Bruce Health Services emergency departments. However, those who need emergency medical attention should call 911, or go to their closest emergency room. 

Virtual visits with Grey Bruce Health Services doctors will now be available Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

Patients must register online first at, and may then book an appointment.