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LETTER: Plan ahead to pick politicians who protect Greenbelt

'We need a culture change now,' says letter writer
2022-05-17 typing pexels-donatello-trisolino-1375261
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor. They can be submitted to [email protected] or via the website. The following letter was submitted in response to the Ford government's decision to use parts of the Greenbelt for building homes. 

The main drive for elected officials is to be (re)elected.

If we want to fight for our Greenbelt, we must slow down issuing building permits for the development of the necessary infrastructure.

Then we must make sure that the current elected officials and their beneficiaries are certain they will not be re-elected.

We should strengthen the opposition now and select and nurture the future candidates who have a track record of supporting biodiversity, conservancy and all the qualities, which make living in a healthy, life-sustaining environment possible and desirable.

We need a culture change now. There is no point to elect again the wrong people. For now, we just must not enable them in any way.

Dorit Murray
Collingwood, ON
