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Spring Fever, a winter cold, and a new season brings back an old columnist

Welcome to Views from Georgian Bay, a biweekly column by Collingwood resident Kent Walton, who takes us through an adjustment to shoulder season through some Spring Fever.
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Daffodil's could be the official flower of shoulder season, right? Erika Engel/Collingwood Today

I can’t believe my good fortune! I am returning to offer my view of life here in the Georgian Triangle.

For those new to my nonsense, I have been writing columns for over twenty years. Most were on behalf of the Enterprise Bulletin which closed after more than 160 years. I’m not quite that old, however, I will attempt to bring a smile to your face.

To my loyal followers, both of you, thank you for joining me in this new media.

Part of the problem when starting a new job is getting one’s act in order. New deadlines, different expectations and getting oneself back into a routine.

This wasn’t the week to start something new!

My good lady had been sick with a severe cold and a cough that could shake the dining room chandelier.

Anyway, all is well now as life returns to normal. Whatever normal is for the Walton household!

Meanwhile, while the snow has melted, the back yard is thick with mud and the dog can’t make up its mind about being in or out.

Between Judy’s ailments and a dog with Spring Fever, it’s been a challenge but, at last, I was able to make my way to my computer while attempting to rediscover my skills as a columnist.

Oops! There’s the phone. It’s my accountant regarding our income tax. Seems there are a few problems about some questionable deductions. Just kidding! I knew the dog wasn’t eligible as a dependent.

Meanwhile back at the computer, I was thinking how much I enjoy shoulder season in tourist country.

Wet skies, mud and melting snow aside, I can’t believe how relaxing it was travelling to town to pick up prescriptions from the drugstore, to shop in the supermarket without dodging the tourists as they scramble for the hills. There was time again to talk to merchants, to check out the store windows and just generally enjoy our area. It might be brown and muddy right now but it’s ours.

I shouldn’t be so hard on the tourists since they do pay our way but even locals need a break from the frenzy.

Anyway, back to writing the column for this week. Just a minute, the dog wants out again.

Okay, I’m back!

You know I think I’m going to cancel the column for this week and try again later. This is getting too complicated with all the interruptions.

I’m supposed to be retired but there’s just too much happening!

Next time, I will prepare a real column. This is just too stressful trying to work around all these interruptions.

A frenzied Kent Walton can be reached at [email protected].