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TBM asking residents to help form communications strategy

How would you like to see The Blue Mountains town hall communicate with its residents? Let them know via this survey
Woman using smartphone
(stock photo)


To improve and strengthen communication and public engagement, the Town of The Blue Mountains has launched a public survey to gain feedback from residents and stakeholders to help understand how the town can continually improve and enhance positive community engagement.

The survey results will be reviewed by the Community Communications Advisory Committee and town staff and will be used to help create a comprehensive communications strategy for the Town of The Blue Mountains. The five-year communications strategy will serve as a strategic document to guide communication efforts between the town and residents.

To complete the survey online, please visit the following link and sign in or register to create an account:

Paper copies of the survey will be available at town hall and at The Blue Mountains Public Library Branch. The deadline to complete the survey is Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020.

“We can’t get enough community input into the planning process,” said John Milne, Chair of the Community Communications Advisory Committee. “We will be working with council and staff to ensure that the communications strategy incorporates the input we receive from this survey and the thinking of the residents. The Community Communications Advisory Committee invites you to participate in the survey and please encourage your friends and neighbours to do so as well.”
