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How to use your downtime over the holidays to help prep your home to sell in the new year

A few small jobs you can do now to give your home the edge in 2024

For those of us who are lucky enough to have a few days of quiet downtime between the biggest holiday celebrations this season, those little lulls can turn out to be surprisingly useful.

If you also plan on listing your home in 2024, one team of local agents recommends making the most of these days. They can be prime time to be productive.

Collingwood REALTORS® Cindy and Jessica Ryerse suggest the following as ideal projects that homeowners can tackle during their idle days this holiday season. These are all smaller projects that focus more on the details, yet they manage to have a big impact.

1. Brighten your eating areas

If the current light fixtures in your kitchen and dining areas are fairly standard and somewhat lacklustre, why not add a bit of visual interest with a more modern fixture?

Swapping out an existing light fixture for a brand new one is a relatively easy job, yet the impact can be huge. Make sure to turn off the power at the breaker box before you begin disconnecting the old and connecting the new wires. If you’re more comfortable relying on the services of a professional, this is a quick job for a local electrician who would likely welcome the work.

2. Replace your showerhead

Thanks to constant innovations, the latest showerheads can really transform your daily shower experience.

There are so many more options to choose from now, including pivoting angles, temperature settings and multiple spray styles. The latest fixtures are also much more efficient. Replace your showerhead and enjoy more of an at-home spa experience. If this change inspires you to do more, you might consider installing a new towel bar and a new toilet paper holder too.

3. Repair your walls

If there are any holes, dings or scratches in your walls, now is the perfect time to patch them up. Start by going room-to-room and making note of any little imperfections you can see.

Use a surfacing compound and a putty knife to fill nail holes; if the gash is larger or deeper you might be better off placing an adhesive patch over it and using a trowel to spread an all-purpose drywall compound over it. Once your materials have dried (waiting at least a day is best) you can paint over your repair.

4. Streamline your closets

Now is the perfect time to go through your possessions and pare down.

Textiles and clothing can donated to local charities, shelters, veterinarian’s offices and the Georgian Triangle Humane Society. Housewares can be donated to charities including the Salvation Army ThriftStore. Furniture can go to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, the Georgian Bay Furniture Bank and Too Good To Be Through. Books, art, electronics and games can go to The ReUse Centre.

In the new year when you get closer to listing your home, you’ll be so glad you took this time to go through your belongings—even more so if these items helped support any one of these incredible organizations.

5. Repaint the bathroom

Give your powder room or guest bathroom an overhaul with a fresh coat of paint. Since bathrooms don’t usually take up much space, this is a manageable project any homeowner can tackle. It’s surprising how easily a boring bathroom can be transformed with just a splash of colour; for something different, try a deeper tone on your walls for a more elegant look, like a charcoal, mocha or slate.

These are just a few projects you can try to spruce up your home that don’t require too much money or effort but yield big rewards.

Of course, when the time comes that you are getting ready to sell, Cindy and Jessica Ryerse are happy to answer any questions you may have.

You can reach Royal LePage Locations North REALTORS® Cindy Ryerse at 705-446-7254 and Jessica Ryerse at 705-446-7252.

You can also follow the Hawkins/Ryerse Real Estate Group on Facebook.

REALTOR® Cindy Ryerse​​​​


REALTOR® Jessica Ryerse