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Lecture series considers future of learning and education

The Georgian Triangle Lifelong learning Institute's latest lecture series considers the challenges, changes, and growth demands of education in a changing world
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The latest lecture series geared at life-long learning even after one's days at school are done is looking inward at the concept of education and the changes and challenges facing the world of learning as the world changes. 

The Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Instute's upcoming six-week lecture series is focused on the future of learning and education, and will feature lectures from experts in various fields of education and learning. 

"In a rapidly evolving world, the landscape of education and learning is constantly shifting," states a news release from the lifelong learning institute. "Teachers and students alike face an array of changes."

The latest lecture series begins Oct. 13 with a lecture entitled "The Challenges of Educating for the Future," by Bruce Rodrigues, chancellor of the University of St. Jerome's (University of Waterloo) and the former deputy-minister of education and government-appointed supervisor for the Peel District School Board. 

His lecture will explore the issues confronting teaching and learning, and topics such as global competencies, equity, diversity and inclusion, and digital learning. 

The series continues on Oct. 20 with a lecture entitled Fostering International Mindedness and Global Competencies in Education. The remaining four lectures tackle topics of diversity, equity and inclusion, providing education in conflict areas, learning in a digital world, and the impacts of recreational alcohol and drug use on academic outcomes. 

The cost for the full lecture series is $60 plus HST. The lectures take place at New Life Church on Friday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon from Oct. 13 to Nov. 17.

The Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization. Its mission is to nurture minds in a welcoming environment. 

Video recordings are also available for viewing.

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