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Change your clocks and smoke alarm batteries tonight

Let's do the time hop again
smoke detector_230583502
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On the plus side, spring must be coming soon, but that does mean time "springs forward" as Daylight Saving begins March 12. If you've still got analog clocks, they need to go forward an hour on Saturday night. 

While you're prepping for the time jump, Collingwood Fire Department suggests you also change out the batteries for your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. In about ten minutes you can save lives and daylight. 

According to a news release from the fire department, most fatal fires occur at night when people are asleep, and many victims never wake up. About two-thirds of fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms.

Working alarms can prevent those deaths because alarms provide early warning of dangerous gas or fires in the home. Making sure there are fresh, working batteries in those alarms ensure they will be ready if needed. 

When you change the batteries, also check the age of the alarm and make sure they haven't passed the expiry date listed on the back by the manufacturer. Even if the test button works, the sensor inside may not be functioning. Replace old or outdated alarms.