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Average price for home sold in Barrie in 2019 was just over $490,000

The average for Simcoe County was higher, sitting at $543,263
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(stock photo)

The December 2019 sales information is in, and residential property sales recorded through the Matrix™ System for the Barrie and District Association of REALTORS® Inc. (BDAR) region showed a strong year-over-year growth in both number of sales and in average price of units sold.

The Housing Price Index (HPI) showed a month-over-month increase of 0.31 per cent from November 2019.
Year-To-Date (YTD) (December 2019 YTD vs December 2018 YTD) - All Residential Homes
* December 2019 YTD and December 2018 YTD will be referred to as 2019 and 2018 respectively

Simcoe County
4,999 residential units were sold in Simcoe County during 2019 (January 1st, 2019 – December 31st, 2019). This was 17.0 per cent more than what was sold last year (January 1st, 2018 – December 31st, 2018). The average price of residential units sold in 2019 was $516,729. This was 4.5 per cent greater than the average price in 2018.
City of Barrie
2,348 units were sold in the City of Barrie in 2019. This was an 11.2 per cent growth from the same timeframe last year. The average price of units sold within the City of Barrie in 2019 was $490,837. This was 3.5 per cent more than the same timeframe last year. In 2019, Barrie accounted for 47.0 per cent of residential properties sold.
Simcoe County Excluding Barrie
2,651 residential units were sold in the areas outside of Barrie in 2019. This was 22.7 per cent greater than the number of units sold in 2018. This growth in number of units sold was greater than what was seen in the total Simcoe region (+17.0 per cent) in the year 2019.
The average price of units sold during this time was $543,263. This was 5.5 per cent greater than what was seen in 2018. This growth was similar to that of total Simcoe (+4.5 per cent) over the year 2019.
In 2019, Simcoe County Excluding Barrie accounted for 53.0 per cent of residential properties sold. This was 2.4 share points more than the same timeframe during 2018.
Year-Over-Year (December 2019 vs December 2018) - All Residential Homes

The Housing Price Index (HPI) showed a year-over-year increase of 1.55 per cent between December 2019 and December 2018.
Simcoe County
240 residential units were sold in Simcoe County last month—21.8 per cent more than the same time last year. As well, the average price of residential units sold was $535,689, which was 11.0 per cent greater than December 2018.
City of Barrie
125 residential units were sold during December 2019 within Barrie. This was 20.2 per cent more than the number of units sold during December 2018. The average price of residential Barrie units sold during December 2019 was $505,614—10.0 per cent greater than the average price of units sold during December 2018. Sales in Barrie accounted for 52.1 per cent of residential sales in Simcoe County last month.
Simcoe County Excluding Barrie
115 residential units were sold outside of Barrie during December 2019, and this was 23.7 per cent greater than the number of units sold during December 2018. This growth was greater than the 21.8 per cent growth seen in the total Simcoe Region.
The average price of units sold in Simcoe County Excluding Barrie last month was $564,374. This was a 13.5 per cent increase in the average price, year-over-year. This increase in average price was greater than the growth found in total Simcoe County (+11.0 per cent).
Residential property sales outside of Barrie accounted for 47.9 per cent of sales in Simcoe County last month. This was 0.7 share points more than the same time last year.
