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2020 version of Meaford International Film Fest features living room screenings

Annual festival will deliver food and films to your home this year
Film Screening
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The Meaford International Film Festival (MIFF) will take place Thanksgiving weekend, October 8-11, virtually.

MIFF is a fundraising initiative by the Meaford Culture Foundation which supports arts and culture programs in the community.

“This year, due to COVID-19, it was necessary to re-imagine the festival experience. MIFF is continuing the tradition of bringing four international, award-winning films to audiences, but this year we're doing it virtually. You will travel to Poland, Sudan, Japan, and right back to Canada with this year's films and guest speakers.” said Anna den Hengst, artistic director for MIFF. 

The MIFF 2020 movie lineup includes:

  • You Will Die at Twenty (Sudan) - Directed by Amjad Abu Alala
    When Muzamil was born, a prophecy by the holy man of the village predicted he would die at 20. One day, Muzamil turned 19. The film won the Lion of the Future award at the Venice Film Festival, along with six more awards and five nominations.

  • Eddy's Kingdom (Canada) - Produced by Greg Crompton
    Eddy Haymour is a barber, an eccentric entrepreneur, a psychiatric patient, a kidnapper, and a hostage-taker. A controversial character, he has been called both madman and visionary. This documentary chronicles the saga of Haymour's obsession with creating an island theme park in Kelowna BC, which culminated in a hostage-taking in Lebanon.

  • We Are Little Zombies (Japan) - Directed by Makoto Nagahisa
    When four young orphans meet at their parents' cremation ceremony, none of them can shed a tear.  They are like zombies; devoid of all emotion. With no family, no future, no dreams, and no way to move forward, the young teens decide that the first level of this new existence involves salvaging items from their pasts and starting a band.
    The film has won 4 awards, including at Berlin International Film Festival and Sundance Film Festival, along with another 11 nominations.

  • Corpus Christi (Poland) - Directed by Jan Komasa
    After spending years in a Warsaw prison for a violent crime, 20-year-old Daniel is released and sent to a remote village to work as a manual labourer. The job is designed to keep the ex-con busy, but Daniel has a higher calling. When Daniel arrives in town, one quick lie allows him to be mistaken for the town’s new priest.
    The film has won 49 awards and was nominated in the best foreign film category at the 2019 Oscars.

Local viewers also have the option to purchase home-delivered MIFF dinners from local restaurants each night of the festival. Every evening's dinner is provided by a different restaurant and can be purchased for the 7:30 p.m. screening of the film. For those who are not able to watch at 7:30 p.m., each film will also be available on-demand for a period of 48 hours.

Movie tickets and dinners are limited and can be purchased at
