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LETTER: Terminals should stay, and they fit right in

'The changes that are planned, inclusive of this historic building, is the perfect reflection of its surrounding,' says letter writer
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Collingwood Terminals building. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday

CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to development plans at the Collingwood Terminals.

As a member of the Collingwood Terminals and harbour action group that has pressed the town to save the terminal building and redevelop it into something of great use, I object to the letters so far sent to CollingwoodToday.

The first letter states that it does not blend in with the current harbour changes and I feel it does, as what we now have, and are in the process of realizing, are two six-storey towers and a collage of homes and condos. It certainly does fit in, as there is nothing resembling what used to exist.

The changes that are planned, inclusive of this historic building, is the perfect reflection of its surrounding. The building has been ignored for 25 years and left to fall into decay and this proposal will retain the iconic building with even more image. One should only wonder about the thinking of tearing this icon down and the several million dollars to do it.

Yes there will be lots of discussion on the look and function of the harbour area over the next period of change, but from what I have understood the public will be involved and hopefully have some input into the evolution of our harbour.

John Durrant
Collingwood, Ont.