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LETTER: Tax on tourism a terrible idea, says resident

Frequent traveller annoyed by 'contrived taxes' added to his hotel bills
2022-05-17 typing pexels-donatello-trisolino-1375261
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor. They can be submitted on the site here, or emailed to [email protected]. Please include your full name, address and phone number for verification purposes. The following letter was submitted in response to an article about Collingwood council considering a municipal accommodation tax levied on local hotel bills.

This is a terrible idea.

As a frequent road traveller and motel/hotel user, nothing infuriates me more than fees and charges added to a quoted and agreed overnight rate. My last stays in Niagara Falls and Vancouver were an example.

Collingwood and its accommodation facilities are in competition with a world of tourist locations. Price competition is a key factor. Keep our accommodation prices free of contrived taxes! Let council do some creative stuff to get tourists here, allow them to spread their spending throughout the community and go home thinking, "that Collingwood trip wasn't just fun and invigorating, it was a great deal!"

Brian Caldwell 
Collingwood, ON