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LETTER: No avoiding catastrophe in Ukraine, it's already there

'If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine,' says letter writer
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at e[email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter was sent in response to a previous letter published, entitled War in Ukraine sparks haunting memories of WWII

In reference to your quote, “Do the rulers on either side of the present conflict in Ukraine have guts and wisdom enough to avoid catastrophe?” Catastrophe has already happened and is ongoing, thanks to the lunacy of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.

He invades a foreign country, rapes, murders, executes, imprisons, destroys, all with his idea that Ukraine does not exist. The war started in 2014 and there was the Minsk agreements. Russia never adhered to these agreements.

Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons when the Soviet Union broke up, thanks to the Budapest Memorandum, which gave protection to the boundaries of Ukraine. Russia did not adhere to this agreement either.

Then in February 2022 they had a full-scale invasion of Ukraine which continues to today. You cannot make deals with the devil.

If Russia stops fighting there will be no more war! If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine!

Andy Tereshyn
Collingwood, Ont.