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LETTER: More support for Terminals tear-down

Two letter writers say a fresh-start is what's needed for the Terminals site
An artist's rendering of the proposed vision for the Collingwood Terminals building showing the building from the south facing north.

CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letters were submitted in response to development plans at the Collingwood Terminals and several other letters to the editor opining on the proposal.

The readers are correct, this design is ridiculous.

Some of the foundations sit in the water, and they are giant logs nearing one hundred years old.

Tear it down, and build something better than where stands there now. If you want it to stay because of its roots here in Collingwood, fine. Just build a new place that looks something like the elevators do now. Build it on a better foundation. Something more reasonable, that doesn't sit in the water.

I think it will cost several million to tear it down. It's better to spend it now, than twice as much to fix it up in the future. It is a huge foundation that it will require more support.

It has seen its time, let's move on and build something that will last another 100 years.

Don Thompson
Collingwood, Ont.


I too agree with the letters concerning the ugliness and lack of imagination of dropping a condo/hotel on top of the useless grain terminals. They should be torn down and then some thought put into a realistic development for the area…we don’t need to throw municipal dollars at it. Private industry, if given the opportunity, will make it work without government handouts.  

It seems to me that our local politicians spend far too much time worrying about who they might offend (the “woke” syndrome) rather than getting down to the business of running this town. 

Paul Colangelo
Collingwood, Ont.