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The Blue Mountains and Grey Highlands

The Meaford Hospital is now accepting donations earmarked specifically for COVID-19

The Meaford Hospital is now accepting donations earmarked specifically for COVID-19

The Meaford Hospital Foundation is asking residents to consider making a donation to the hospital, in order to help create a surplus for possible incoming COVID-related expenses.
Grey County to provide relief on June tax payments

Grey County to provide relief on June tax payments

Municipalities don't have to make their June county tax payments until September
Thornbury Foodland ceases delivery service, local grocers to fill the void

Thornbury Foodland ceases delivery service, local grocers to fill the void

After five weeks and seeing help from 140 volunteers, Thornbury Foodland has announced it will no longer be providing a delivery service.
Grey County is giving 90 staff the option of redeployment or layoff

Grey County is giving 90 staff the option of redeployment or layoff

Grey County’s non-essential staff are being asked to redeploy to another county department or face being laid off.
$2.3 million in provincial COVID-19 relief funding is headed to Grey County

$2.3 million in provincial COVID-19 relief funding is headed to Grey County

Grey County has received $2.3 million in relief funding from the provincial government and is now looking at social service providers in the area to begin dispersing the funds.
Area development extensively disturbed by COVID-19 construction shutdowns

Area development extensively disturbed by COVID-19 construction shutdowns

President of the Georgian Triangle Development Institute says the COVID-19 is likely going to exacerbate the area’s attainable housing crisis, workforce capacity challenges, and backlog of needed municipal infrastructure projects.
Staff have 'stepped up tremendously' in Grey County's long-term care facilities

Staff have 'stepped up tremendously' in Grey County's long-term care facilities

The long term care department in Grey County is working diligently to keep residents safe, including implementing additional screening protocols, doubling up on staff roles and producing daily reports of equipment and staff levels.
Police follow single tire track to find wheelbarrow thief

Police follow single tire track to find wheelbarrow thief

The accused stole several items from a Markdale business and then wheeled it all away
Residents removed from long term care lose their bed, warns executive director

Residents removed from long term care lose their bed, warns executive director

If a long term care resident is taken out of a care home facility in Grey County, they must reapply for a new position and cannot be immediately readmitted
TBM facilities closed into May now

TBM facilities closed into May now

Town hall and all the community centres, as well as the library, will be closed to May 4