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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Need a cash option for paid parking

LETTER: Need a cash option for paid parking

'After 15 minutes trying to figure out how to pay without using a credit card, I gave up,' says senior who was dinged with parking ticket
LETTER: Speaking of tall buildings, how about that Terminals plan?

LETTER: Speaking of tall buildings, how about that Terminals plan?

Letter writer says the 24-storey condo tower planned for the Terminals building is 'not reasonable'
LETTER: Thanks to founders of local tourism association

LETTER: Thanks to founders of local tourism association

George Weider thanks the people who helped start tourism association 45 years ago
LETTER: Residents irked by suggested 4.5% tax hike

LETTER: Residents irked by suggested 4.5% tax hike

Letter writers suggest ways to chop the 2024 budget and prevent tax hikes
LETTER: Cuban refugee story a reminder of what we have

LETTER: Cuban refugee story a reminder of what we have

Perspective of a newly landed refugee reinforces this 'marvellous' country of ours, say letter writers
LETTER: Residents worried 6-storey builds will make Collingwood feel like a city

LETTER: Residents worried 6-storey builds will make Collingwood feel like a city

Some residents remain opposed to an official plan recommendation to increase the allowable height for buildings near the downtown core
LETTER: Tall buildings can have a place too

LETTER: Tall buildings can have a place too

There are places in Collingwood for six-storey buildings, preferably along transit routes to reduce traffic congestion, says letter writer
LETTER: Look at Airbnbs for solutions to housing crisis

LETTER: Look at Airbnbs for solutions to housing crisis

Ending short-term accommodations would add thousands of homes to housing stock, says letter writer
LETTER: Lake Simcoe funding just a drop in the bucket

LETTER: Lake Simcoe funding just a drop in the bucket

'We need a detailed and serious plan to bring phosphorus loads down. Words and litter pick-ups will not save Lake Simcoe,' coalition leaders say
LETTER: 'Madness' to suggest 6-storey buildings downtown

LETTER: 'Madness' to suggest 6-storey buildings downtown

Collingwood resident says council should 'preserve what makes our town special'