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Thornbury Pier repairs on track for the summer season, says town official

TBM is also planning to remove the old boat launch that sits adjacent to the pier
2020_10_21 Thornbury Pier_JG
The tendered construction project will also include removing the unused boat launch that sits adjacent to the pier. Jennifer Golletz/ CollingwoodToday

While there is still snow on the ground, the Town of the Blue Mountains (TBM) is busy preparing for swimming season. 

TBM is on the verge of beginning construction on the deteriorating Thornbury Pier. 

The pier remained closed last summer as town staff indicated it had become a public safety concern. 

Since late fall, the town has been working with a consulting engineer familiar with federal pier restoration as the infrastructure is owned by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). 

“Following the investigation, it was recommended that a full deck replacement take place due to the condition of the deck on the surface, the voids below the deck that require granular material replacement and steel cap repairs for sheet pile walls,” stated Ryan Gibbons, director of community services for TBM. 

The construction tender for the project was then released on Jan. 21 and closed it on Feb. 11. 

Through the tender process, town staff also determined the need to remove the boat launch ramp, which sits adjacent to the pier. 

“The construction portion of this project was budgeted at $388,000. The low-compliant bid received is $449,470, which includes one provisional item – to remove the existing ramp that is no longer used, due to deterioration and safety for swimmers, at a cost of $6,500,” Gibbons explained.

According to town officials, there were numerous bids submitted for the tender, which ranged significantly in price. 

Funding for the project will be drawn from the Community Services Asset Replacement Reserve Fund, including the provisional item to remove the deteriorating ramp adjacent to the pier. 

DFO has committed to contributing $36,000 toward the project. 

“Included in this is a $6,500 portion to remove the old launch ramp that's adjacent to the pier. That is starting to deteriorate and we do believe that there's good value in that amount,” he said. 

According to Gibbons, the project remains on target to be completed ahead of the summer season. 

“The biggest challenge is not knowing what they're going to find underneath the decking of the pier till it's removed,” he added.  


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