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Believers and skeptics; this local medium has seen it all

People of Collingwood: Beverly Frosch, the Blue Mountain Medium
2019-08-21 POCMedium JO-001
Beverly Frosch is the Blue Mountain Medium. Contributed image

If you could be connected with a dead loved one, what would you hope to hear?

For this week’s edition of People of Collingwood we sat down with Beverly Frosch, the Blue Mountain Medium.

Q: What is your background? How long have you lived in this area?

A: My dad’s from Meaford, and my mom’s from Owen Sound.

I was born in Owen Sound. That’s how we ended up moving back here.

I wasn’t meant to be born in Owen Sound. They were visiting my grandmother and I came two weeks early. My parents were living in Milton at the time.

We moved up here permanently three years ago.

Q: What was your life like growing up?

A: It was pretty normal. Pretty boring. (laughs)

I wasn’t the child who saw dead people. You always read about it, hear about it, or see it on television. That’s not me.

I would know things about people. Especially in later years. I just thought everyone could do what I did. I thought it was normal. I didn’t think it was any different.

Q: When did you first know you had an ability that was special?

A: Going back a little bit, I was a nurse for a long time. I was a nurse in ICU (the intensive care unit).

During that time, I would know things about people. I would play a game with myself.

(For example), I would be triaging someone and think, “He looks like an engineer.”

Later on in the evening I would go back to see what was right. It was just a game I would play with myself to keep myself occupied.

I would know if something was really wrong with somebody. To this day, Spirit knows I have this medical background so I get a lot of medical intuition.

It got called out on me when I went for a reading in my early 40s. The medium said to me, “You do what I do.”

He said things to me I had never uttered to another human being.

He explained it to me. I told him, I thought everybody could do that. He said no.

When I started understanding that I was hearing Spirit in my own head and voice, but it was a different dialogue or conversation, I realized it wasn’t my conversation. Does that make sense?

It’s very random and sporadic. It’s not my stuff.

Once I learned that, I realized I needed to harness it really quickly so it didn’t control me. At that point, when I became aware of it and started working with it, I would get in my car and my whole dashboard would just go weird. Electronics would go strange and things wouldn’t work.

Even now, I’ll be talking to my friends on the phone and I’ll lose my connection. That’s very common.

I didn’t want it to control me.

I started studying with Sandy Anastasia, mentor of John Edwards.

Q: What does it feel like, when you make a connection?

A: I’m not always turned on. So, when I do a reading, I connect with my own people upstairs, or my own guides (Spirit). They then know they can come through.

They know that whenever someone sits in front of me, (whatever they tell me) has to be healing, and has to help them move on with their life. If it’s not, I don’t want to do it.

I can do it really quickly if I want, but I choose not to because I want to have a normal life.

Once I make the connection, I can feel my vibrational state change. I almost feel like I’m 10 feet tall.

I know it sounds bizarre. (laughs)

Once I’m tuned in, I can just hear it so clearly. I can’t really explain it.

The more I do this work, the more it changes, so it’s never the same. Lately, they’re showing me more, like actually seeing with my eyes... with internal pictures.

Q: When you have these visions, do you ever wonder, what is Spirit?

A: That’s a whole different bottle of wax.

I have had those conversations but it’s not something I would say publicly.

We all have that left brain, that analytical (part). If you show me a picture of a loved one and I look at it, I’ll start hearing things.

We all have that analytical left brain, but I can’t look at (that part) when I read. I have to shut that part off.

I have to rely completely on totally surrendering. There’s a knowingness to what I’m given and what I hear. It has nothing to do with me giving a message. I’m just the voice.

If I make it about me, I’m a shitty medium.

If I can make you feel like you’ve had a visit from your loved one one more time, then I’ve done my job.

Q: How do you deal with skepticism when you’re doing readings?

A: I love people like that.

My dad is the biggest non-believer.

I was doing a show once in London, Ont. This man sits across from me and says he wants to get a reading. He was the mirror image of my father.

He said, “I’m a really big skeptic. You have a lot to prove.”

I told him, I didn’t have anything to prove to him. I told him if he wanted to talk with his mother I’d be happy to entertain that.

He said, “OK.”

When he left, he said thank you.

I think that’s more of an intimidation tactic, when people are skeptical and they say I have something to prove to them.

I don’t have anything to prove. It’s their loved one.

If a loved one was a great communicator when they were living, they’re still going to be great on the other side.

Q: What are your thoughts on big commercial mediums, like Theresa Caputo?

A: I’ve seen her in action. I like her. She’s tailored her business to being about the bling. There’s a show component to what she does.

I’m grateful for people like that who have opened it up.

People have to understand, people like Theresa Caputo are getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to have a camera crew follow them around.

The thing about mediums is you don’t walk up to people on the street and said, “Hey, by the way...”

I was standing in line at Starbucks once and I had a man in Spirit in my ear as I’m looking at his wife getting a cup of coffee, and she was a quite frail-looking woman, and I hear in my ear, “Tell her I’m sorry. I physically, mentally and emotionally abused her when I was living.”

I just said, you’ve gotta go. I’m not doing this.

Could you imagine if I walked up to her?

Q: Have you ever been scared by what you’ve heard or seen?

A: No.

How I personally work is... I work very heavily with my own guides. I set barriers with them of what I’m willing to accept.

We all have crazy negative s*** in our lives, and we don’t need to re-hash that. It serves no purpose.

It’s kind of hard to articulate without making me sound crazy. (laughs)

Ninety-nine per cent of the time, what I do is very positive.

Q: Is that important to you?

A: Absolutely.

It’s almost like I manifest that type of client. I put it out there in the universe, and that’s usually what I tend to attract. I’m all about that.

Q: Are there any misconceptions about mediums out there you’d like to correct?

A: That we’re always turned on.

I work very hard to not be a carnival act. I think there’s a lot of people out there who kind of come across that way.

I’m still working with a mentor in England right now, because I honestly believe you can never stop knowing everything about this.

Giving the message is easy. It’s the human getting the message that’s difficult.

Q: Has Spirit ever given you personal advice?

A: Yes.

They’ll give me a heads up on things.

I just lost my dog recently. She was a 12-year-old German Shepard.

A couple of years ago, I was made to feel that when it was her time, it would be a really rapid decline.

She was diagnosed on a Wednesday and died on the Monday.

Sometimes they’ll step in and give me warning signs about things.

Q: What kinds of services do you provide?

A: I do group readings, I do video conferencing readings and Facetime. I do a Facebook Live event on Wednesdays.

Q: What does the future hold for you?

A: (laughs) Hang on, crystal ball!

I’m actually writing a book right now. There’s a touring part that’s going to be related to the book.

It’s a cool concept and it’s going to be a game-changer. It could affect a lot of people. There will be a workshop related to it.

I don’t want to give it all away.

Being a medium is part of what I do. I always say to people, you get what you need, not what you want.

Q: Is there anything else you want people in Collingwood to know about you?

A: It’s so funny, because there’s so many people who don’t even know about me in Collingwood.

People usually find me through friend-of-a-friend. Local people do not know about me.

Every medium or psychic you meet is going to work differently. If it can’t be healing, I don’t want to do this work. I really don’t.

For our feature People of Collingwood, we’ll be speaking with interesting people who are either from or are contributing to the Collingwood community in some way. This feature will run on CollingwoodToday every Saturday. If you’d like to nominate or suggest someone to be featured in People of Collingwood, email [email protected].

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Jessica Owen

About the Author: Jessica Owen

Jessica Owen is an experienced journalist working for Village Media since 2018, primarily covering Collingwood and education.
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