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LETTER: Resident laments tree 'destruction'

'Trees create the backbone for a great community,' says letter writer
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article about the Town of Collingwood’s efforts to protect trees, published April 11.

After hearing of the cutting down of eight old trees in the area of Maple and Fifth and Sixth streets, I personally went to view the destruction.

I spoke to a resident in the area and learned that she had been told that the trees were diseased and needed to be cut down. What? Trees in the same area are all healthy, but not those eight trees? By just looking at the stumps and the cuttings, these trees were not only healthy but some over 100 years old. If left to leaf out and flower and prior notice was given, there certainly would have been vocal opposition to the cutting.

Just look at the huge development in the Kirby Avenue and Portland Street area. Not a single tree — just twigs.

Why do people accept that this is the only way to build a community? Trees create the backbone for a great community. Just look at the tree streets. We even name our streets after trees. Doesn’t that tell you something?

This tree cutting took place on Maple Street. How ironic.

John Doherty