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LETTER: Big bins have benefits, says reader

Collingwood resident hopes larger bins will reduce litter, illegal dumping
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I have read the letters of concern from many of your readers regarding the new garbage bin program and I certainly can empathize with their concerns. I agree that some seniors and those individuals with physical limitations may find the large garbage bins cumbersome. I completely understand.

However, on the other hand, I do see benefits to the large bins. Nothing is more upsetting than seeing garbage bags ripped open by animals or garbage cans being tossed about on windy days with the inevitable garbage and recyclables then strewn about our streets.

I ask myself why are people “dumping” their garbage in charity donation boxes, forests, and other completely inappropriate areas? Because with the current garbage collection limitations in place, they simply cannot dispose of all of their garbage.

Unfortunately, humans make garbage. We can recycle and compost but we still create regular garbage. With the larger garbage bins, I am optimistically hopeful that people will now have the means to rid themselves of all of their garbage in a responsible and ethical manner leading to cleaner city streets.

Anna Drazenovic
Collingwood, ON